512,Beand Square, California

What to do with chicken poo and dirty wood shavings

Now I often get questions about what to do with excess chicken poo and or their dirty wood shavings. I have put together four key methods that I use. on a daily basis to keep my coop clean

  • You can put your dirty wood shavings in your compost or sprinkle it through out your garden bed (the worms will help it decompose and also adds organic matter to your gardens soil.
  • once you have cleaned the chicken coop you should put all the manure in a pile and then put in the compost. I turn my compost weekly
  • once you have had the comps om rotate for about 6 months to a year you could either sell it or you could put it in your garden to boost your plants growth rate with all the nutrients in it
  • Lastly I guess you could put it in the bin but you would be wasting all the potential benefits.

Honestly, I kind of think chicken poo is pretty awesome. It is perfect for compost because it provides a slow-release source of macro and micro-nutrients and it also works as a soil amendment. It does this because it contains High levels of Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus and Calcium and is also rich in organic matter. And if you don’t have a garden you can sell it to other people that do. Good luck and happy chicken keeping, see you next week.

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